Join Us
If you’ve seen us in action, do you fancy joining us on the stage? Would you like to be part of our next production?
New acting/singing members are welcome – particularly young(er) people, dancers, and gentlemen of any age!
You don’t need to be brilliant… just enthusiastic.
Oh, and you’ll need to be available on Tuesday (and Thursday) evenings, which is when we rehearse. Tuesdays are our main full-company rehearsals, when everybody involved in the current show comes along. Thursdays are usually used for principal or speciality rehearsals, although we ‘double up’ nearer the show, when everybody attends on both Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Rehearsals for each of our annual shows usually begin some time in the Spring of each year – generally around April/May. This is, therefore, the opportunity for any newcomers to come and join in the fun.
We’re a very social society, and organise a lot of social events and theatre trips for our members throughout the year, particularly in the Spring ‘off season’. You would soon make lots of new friends.
For more information, please contact our Chairman, Tony Jay.

Company Rehearsal for CATS in 2019

Company Rehearsal for White Christmas in 2018

Company Rehearsal for Sister Act in 2017

Company Rehearsal for The Witches of Eastwick in 2016